Forgive Forget | Teen Ink

Forgive Forget

June 5, 2024
By FENNDEM BRONZE, Maynard, Massachusetts
FENNDEM BRONZE, Maynard, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

he heart that is now whole 

Was broken several years ago 

By trusted hands 

Broken plans 

Now forgotten friends 

Tears were shed

The thought of missing you brings dread 

I'm hopeless in the head when it come to you being my old friend  

I ponder why I miss you 

Honestly i'm feeling like this is an issue 

Why oh why should i miss you 

When all you ever did was lie 

Forgive and forget 

Is no longer a threat 

You have been dead to me for years 

Yet your name still rings through my ears 

I sometimes wish I never wasted my years 

Now I ponder, wonder and regret 

That your name was ever said in my head 

But the thought of you makes me go insane 

Back through the good memories in my brain 

I want an apology for the hell I was put through 

But honestly I miss you 

It's most definitely an issue…

The author's comments:

The Poem is made for the feeling when you miss someone who hurt you. I wrote this because I often find myself thinking of past friendships I had with people who stabbed in the back. and much like my pen name which is Ghost it represents a lot of my life of being ignored and my ability to convey my voice through my writing. 

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