June 7, 2024
By sonnetsofsarah SILVER, Haridwar, Other
sonnetsofsarah SILVER, Haridwar, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
•Don't chase, attract!<br /> •Don't run after success, success will come to you when you become capable.

Congratulations! We did fail once again as a society.

Guess what! Those lustful eyes couldn’t resist.

Guess what! This cruel that society will still blame the woman.

Guess what! The government will still pay some money as compensation to lighten up the anger of people.

Those monsters will still blame her clothing.

It won’t be solved until we change as a society until we change our mentality.

She was screaming her heart out.

She was sobbing.

She felt weak, miserable and hopeless but they didn’t stop.

But they couldn’t control it.

There were a total of seven.

She was alone after they attacked her partner.

All she wanted to do was travel the world.

But guess what! you snatched her freedom.

But guess what! you gave her a lifetime of trauma.

But all of this is justified, right?

One was in an abaya,

the other was in Western clothing.

One was a seventy-year-old woman,

the other was an infant.

And one was even in grave.

One characteristic that they mutually shared was that they were all women.

That was all!

The author's comments:

I am always ready to talk about unjust behavior and someone who is ready to fearlessly take a stand!
This is about the rape of biker, a girl who wanted to explore the world through her talent but guess what we snatched her freedom and gave her a lifetime of trauma.

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