A house that is not a home anymore... | Teen Ink

A house that is not a home anymore...

June 7, 2024
By sonnetsofsarah SILVER, Haridwar, Other
sonnetsofsarah SILVER, Haridwar, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
•Don't chase, attract!<br /> •Don't run after success, success will come to you when you become capable.

Let us talk about a house that was one's home...

Not just me but everyone feels that void inside them.

A house that is not a home anymore

because the joining element is missing.

A house that earlier was a home now is just a structure that got a new identity after 2019.

The binding element is missing and flew in 2019 towards the almighty.

A house that earlier witnessed some thousand creatures on that particular festival now just witnesses roars.

A house that carries the memory of someone who can never be forgotten by any individual he knew or ever met.

But still, this house and family are seen with respect because of that man with the golden heart and because of the commendable work that he did all his life selflessly.

A house is not a home any more because now the man who used to complain about the boils of the tea is missing.

A house that is not a home anymore as there's no avid newspaper reader.

A house that is not a home anymore as there's no one to peel peanuts or cut the sugarcanes into little cubes.

A house that is not a home anymore, because the frivolous feuds are missing between the lively partners over daily soaps.

A house that is not a home anymore because the one who used to peel vegetables all day long on that dining table is now absent.

A house that is not a home anymore because that diary is not filled with phone numbers and the pages are just empty.

A house that is not a home anymore and in reality is not a home anymore.

The author's comments:

just expressing my void after my grandfather's demise.

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