June 7, 2024
By sonnetsofsarah SILVER, Haridwar, Other
sonnetsofsarah SILVER, Haridwar, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
•Don't chase, attract!<br /> •Don't run after success, success will come to you when you become capable.

I am a color that is celebrated in clothes but not on the skin.
I am a color that is not preferred by anyone.
I am a color that is only liked in some countries.
I feel bad for the ones that carry me because they also get abandoned and rejected.
I am a color that is the root cause of apartheid.
I sometimes feel what's my fault?
I am a shining beauty!
I am gorgeous!
The ones that carry me shine like honey.
The ones that carry me are supreme.
The ones that carry me are rare and the ones that carry me are izel.
In the end, I just want to say everyone's beautiful and should be appreciated and celebrated.

The author's comments:

My message to everyone reading this.

Let's all strive to be kind, less judgmental, and simply live and let live.

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