Who Were There | Teen Ink

Who Were There

June 12, 2024
By Anonymous

This is a message in a bottle

Sailed across the seven seas 

To reach your loving palms. 

A faithful thank you to the plethora of people

Who crafted soul from building blocks, 

And turned me into me. 

Thank you for trying to understand me, then trying again,

Thank you for succeeding. 

May I be the seedling that swims through the Winter breeze 

And you be the one who plants me. 

Every spark of mine is yours, 

Every breath I take. 

The sweet, rich soil upon the earth

Owes you all its fruitful growings. 

You showed up

All of you

You decided to be here by my side

When there were so many other options. 

Is there enough gratitude in the world 

To allow me to express that?

I hope so, I hope for you, 

For us. 

You will know how 

Much appreciation

Can seep from me. 

Thank you for being

The ones 

Who were there. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about how my family has supported me throughout my life and how grateful I am for all that they have done for me. I truly don't believe I'd be where I am without them. 

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