Echoes of Truth ✨ | Teen Ink

Echoes of Truth ✨

July 10, 2024
By parnabha_06 BRONZE, Jalpaiguri, Other
parnabha_06 BRONZE, Jalpaiguri, Other
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

In the heart's hug, first love feels nice,

But there's a truth,

That time can't slice.

Past memories stick,

Like glue in the brain,

Never fading,

Through joy or pain.

Denial may play,

But eyes tell no lie,

Truth shines through,

Like sun in the sky.

Life's rough ride,

Can't keep us down,

We bounce back,

Even when we frown.

Something we can't own,

But always feel,

In life's fabric,

It's the real deal.

Time marches on,

With all its might,

But these truths stay strong,

Day or night.

The author's comments:

This poem beautifully conveys the lasting impact of first love and cherished memories, likening them to glue that sticks in our minds through both joy and pain. It acknowledges that, despite attempts to deny or forget these emotions, the truth always shines through, much like the undeniable brightness of the sun. The poem speaks to the resilience of the human spirit, highlighting our ability to bounce back from life's challenges while holding onto the profound experiences that shape us. Ultimately, it suggests that while time moves forward relentlessly, the truths of our past loves and memories remain steadfast, forming an integral part of our existence.

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