Eternal Bond | Teen Ink

Eternal Bond

July 13, 2024
By parnabha_06 BRONZE, Jalpaiguri, Other
parnabha_06 BRONZE, Jalpaiguri, Other
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

From the moment our eyes first met,  

A spark ignited, a tiny crush I can't forget. 💫

Conversations blossomed, day by day,  

Knowing each other in every possible way. 🌸


You made me feel special, a unique kind of glow,  

But soon I learned, it wasn’t for me, your heart did show. 💔


Shattered into pieces, my hopes and dreams,  

Yet, our friendship, I hold in highest esteem.🌟

Feelings deep within, I’ll quietly keep,  

For our bond is too precious to sweep. 🌿


I see your future bright, success in sight,  

Wishing you the best, with all my might. 🌠

Just friends we’ll be, a title so true,  

In this one-sided story, I’ll always cherish you. 🤝

The author's comments:

This poem captures the journey from a first spark of romantic interest to a deep, unrequited love, and ultimately, a treasured friendship. Despite the heartache, the poet expresses a commitment to the friendship and wishes the best for their friend. The emotions of admiration, pain, and enduring care are poignantly conveyed.

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