One step into the unknown, another to the depth | Teen Ink

One step into the unknown, another to the depth

July 19, 2024
By David0401 SILVER, Washington, Connecticut
David0401 SILVER, Washington, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Things that make you sad, one day, you will laugh out and say it.

Midnight, winter, snowday. I am in the room waiting for everything

to end, things that never end, things that eat away my soul.

My mom comes to help me to stop the flood that I can’t help. But she

helps the wrong side. The water's flooding over me. The room's falling apart.

I start to run, run away from the flood that is running out of control, 

run up by the stairs. I run as fast as I can, trying to reach the top. 

I succeeded. Standing in the snow with bare feet, t-shirt and shorts. 

Walking toward the cliff. Trying to think about every moment the same thing happened.

I turn my head, it’s here. I need to pick my choice. If I take another step into the depths,

 there will be no me anymore. If I step back I will be swallowed again by the flood.

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