Free Verse Poem: {Sometimes moments should not be captured} | Teen Ink

Free Verse Poem: {Sometimes moments should not be captured}

July 20, 2024
By YourLocalArea51Alien DIAMOND, Limassol, Other
YourLocalArea51Alien DIAMOND, Limassol, Other
52 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
*insert funny quote*

My heart is being ripped apart into a million pieces
As this moment is slipping through my fingers
No words being able to fully describe it
As beautiful as it really is.

It's all turning into a mere blurry memory
Of how ethereal it all was,
slowly fading away
right in front of my eyes

And I come to the realization that
I'm not really
in the moment

The author's comments:

This poem is meant to express the struggle of being unable to capture the beauty of life with words, which is something that most of us on this platform have experienced at some point in our lives. Some moments are better off as a faint memory, rather than a poorly written poem and that's something I'll have to keep reminding myself for the time being.

*Version 2 (I'm currently going through the process of editing old poems of mine that I'm not satisfied with and wanted to delete.)

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