Till the removal | Teen Ink

Till the removal

July 23, 2024
By Tabie BRONZE, Lilongwe, Other
Tabie BRONZE, Lilongwe, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have,

For a lifetime been blindfolded 

For a long time been taught lies 

For a million times been stubborn

Yes, I believed all of them

Till the removal


"You can't do this," I was told, a million times 

" I know, I'm too weak," I'd answer, believing it all 

" You're worthless," They'd whisper silently 

"I also think so, you're right," I'd embrace the feeling

That was then, till the removal.


It's no longer the worthless one 

The blindfold is gone 

As clear as day, my eyes can see 

I'm able, no longer in the dark

I've believed lies in my blindfold, till the removal.

The author's comments:

It's a piece to say, some times, we just believe what people tell us. We can believe that we're the worst people, grow up in it. This is because we're blinded. We can't see the good things in ourselves. The light out there, that can only be seen when the blindfold is removed. When we remove the blindfold (start to remove the negativity) , we see the light in ourselves, which is brighter than the darkness.

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