Slipping through my fingers | Teen Ink

Slipping through my fingers

July 24, 2024
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Slipping through my fingers” 

The way her long curls would boing up and down when she skipped around

The way her face beamed when I took her hand into mine for the first time  

The way her pink ribbon blended so well with her auburn hair 

This reminded me of our favorite holiday together, “valentines day”

“Slipping through my fingers” 

The way her long curls melded the floor when she sat in her chair 

The way her face sparkled when I put a pink ribbon on my wrist to make her smile

The way her pink ribbon sat still as a statue on her bald head

This reminded me of the day we went to visit the statue of liberty together “new york day”

“Slipping through my fingers”

 The way her head tilted when she shivered 

 The way her face dimmed when I place a pink ribbon through her fingers 

 The way her pink ribbon sleeps in her fingers, she clutches it 

 This reminded me of the day I clutched her hand on a rollercoaster “rollercoaster day”

“slipping through my fingers”

 the way her head laid bare on the pillow when she felt tired  

 the way her face silenced when I took her hand into mine for the last time

 the way her pink ribbon slips through her fingers, on her pink bed

 this reminded me of our final seconds together, “final day”  

The author's comments:

This is a piece I was inspired to write by my own intuitive personal and creative mind, the pink ribbon symbolizes her favorite color pink, which the ribbon was this color and that made her feel calm, when she developed the disease and dealt with throughout the poem which is cancer. This poem also demonstrates the main characters love for the girl and how he thinks, remembers, and feels about her including how it was out of his own control that she slipped through his fingers and what stands out to him the most about her that keeps him calm in his thoughts and memories of her before and when she slipped through his fingers. 

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