Going to See a Movie | Teen Ink

Going to See a Movie

September 18, 2009
By Kiera Whetsel BRONZE, Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Kiera Whetsel BRONZE, Rice Lake, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I bounce into the seat
Holding my breath
Trying to keep my excitement in
My straight face dissolving to a smile
People go to the movies all the time
Yet the excitement is tell there
My first movie of the year

My sister driving down the freeway
It feels as if we’re nearly speeding
Watching as fields fly by
We sing along the Shinedown
Swaying back and forth

I can see it
In the distance
The glow of the theater lights
We’re there
I sit waiting until my sister gets out
Before I quickly follow
Into the theater

“Two tickets to Final Destination, please.”
I look around
At all the signs and posters
“Do you want anything to eat or drink, Kier?
I ask for a coke
As I point at reeces as well

We walk to theater five
I think she finally sees my excitement
We pick our seats
Directly in the middle
The lights start to dim
The movie starts
“Thank you, Brandy” I whisper
As she takes hold of my hand

The author's comments:
I'm in a creative writing class and we were challanged to write something we wouldn't normally write. So I wrote about my sister and I going to the movies, which at the time was a big thing to me, I love my sister--who lives four hours away--and I don't get to see movies very often.

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