Unimaginable | Teen Ink


November 28, 2009
By Anonymous

I want to know what it feels like
To be in your arms.
I want to know what it's like
To have your eyes on mine.
We can dance till the sun comes up.
We can talk till there's nothing left to say.
We can ride in the ocean,
Let our love fly away.
But at what cost?
My body, my soul, my mind?
I'm not part of a contract
That can be signed.
I can't be won or bought,
I refuse to be the prize u sought.
The strongest of women
Lose their lives to love,
Stripped of wisdom and dignity.
Pulled down deep into a darkness
From which there is no return.
I vow, to take an oath of strength.
To no man will i ever bow.
I am not the girl you see before you.
I am stronger than I appear.
I fight for what I want,
And I give a silent cheer,
To be blessed with courage,
Bestowed on me by the women
Who came before me.
In my heart burns a blazing fire,
Strong and steady.
Pain may skim the surface of my heart,
But never will it dim that flame.
Women like I are meant to be powerful,
Vessels of unimaginable force,
That bend to no ones wills but our own.

The author's comments:
For every girl in the world! We are powerful and we are meant to show it. Never let any guy hold u back or hold you down. Your light is brighter than the sun.

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