Reflections of a Symphony | Teen Ink

Reflections of a Symphony

February 22, 2010
By WaterIsNotEnough BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
WaterIsNotEnough BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Too long have I laid in this filth and desolation
Feeling the muck and mire wash over me—
Closing my eyes as it rushes to my lungs—
Can’t even breathe, suffocation comes in time.

Too long have I sat with these cretinous animals
Who beg for someone else to solve all problems—
Wishing for a permanent painless fix
Crying, writhing, screams multiplying—
Rolling around, turning over in their pens—
Pigs only produce cacophonic sounds.

The stench in my nostrils flares itself
In the form of excuses, hot gas breathed on me
Polluting the air—down below, wasted time
Infects the rotting food supply.

I am swallowed whole, legs kicking out
As my skin dissolves, screaming in fear—
The acidic bile tears to the bone—
I leave only skeleton remains.

Eyesight darkening, retching, reaching,
I too become filth.

The author's comments:
Whereas most poems that feel like the writer will kill themselves are emo as nuts, this one implies that the only correction to a contraceptic life is through the portal of death. Through death new situations are introduced; dying is simply a shortcut to stage 2.

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