Dream Poem | Teen Ink

Dream Poem

March 18, 2010
By n.rosen BRONZE, Culver, Indiana
n.rosen BRONZE, Culver, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a dream I awake from a sound sleep to a whistle of a train.
I walk down the stairs; tree decorated in lights.
There is a train conductor at my door telling me to come with him; I accept.
Friends, family, everyone I have ever known seated in one train.
Fast glowing images passing; we reach our destination.
I see Santa, his reindeers, and his little helpers all there.
Rewind. I’m back in my bed. Dream ends.
Every year; same dream; new people added; my life goes on.

The author's comments:
I have a dream every single year that begins at a certain day after thanksgiving that continues until christmas day that resembles the polar express.

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