So here we are. | Teen Ink

So here we are.

June 27, 2010
By aliceoblivious PLATINUM, Florida, Florida
aliceoblivious PLATINUM, Florida, Florida
20 articles 12 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your out of your tree." "It's not my tree."

don't need any of you
can stand on my own
for the most part
crutches like you
are useless to me
so push away
let me drift off into
whatever mess i'm in
i don't need you
fake false plastic
leering through broken lives
above this away
away away
don't have to stand
by the side of statues
unfeeling liars
cruel laughter in my ears
when turned away
don't pretend like
you don't realize i know
you're whispering like that
about me
i don't care what it is
but i know
and i don't need you
surrounded in your drama
all your bulls***
like its all about you
gossip tongued fires
walk away ignore me
i don't give a f***
can't say i like you much
at all right now
with your thousand masks
just like mine
i see through it
the fake smile
even though you "hate" her
or me
but it doesn't get to me
because i have never
and will never
need you.

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