Just another Dance | Teen Ink

Just another Dance

September 6, 2010
By SharonC GOLD, Markham, Other
SharonC GOLD, Markham, Other
18 articles 32 photos 8 comments

Shining rays of light,
Cast down by the great chandelier,
Lighting up the entire room,
With a soft glow,
Reflecting off the marble floors.
The flickering flames lick the wood,
Burning it to ashes,
Heating the room with warmth.
Sweet smells waft,
Rich wine trickles down throats,
Music fills the air like hypnotist’s magic,
Enchanting the dancers,
As they swirl about,
Partners held close,
Fingers entwined,
Elegant dresses sweep the floor,
In brilliant hues of the rainbow,
The folds ripple like water.
Dressed in crisp suits and ties,
Polished shoes,
Gelled hair,
The couples are radiant.
Dance after dance,
Never pausing like an endless movie.
Gazing deeply,
Eyes shining pools of beauty,
Hidden passion expressed,
Oblivious to surroundings,
In the arms of another,
They dance,
On and on.
Time unfolds,
Bathed with weariness and exhaustion,
Steps falter,
Dances end,
Regretful goodbyes,
Flourished bows and curtsies,
Twelve beautiful princesses,
Twelve handsome men,
Awaiting their next anticipated convene,
Darkness falls.
Forests of gleaming jewels rushed past,
Golden gates pushed open,
Worn-through shoes kicked off,
Grand beds slipped into,
Quickly captured,
By the makings of a dream,
Reliving the past,
Memories recreated,
Emotions stirred,
For the yearning of another.
Night after night,
Year after year,
Meetings held secret,
Endless cycles,
Never broken,
A curse.

The author's comments:
This piece of poetry is inspired by the fairy tale, "The twelve Dancing Princesses" with an enchanting twist.

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This article has 1 comment.

finding.blue said...
on Sep. 20 2010 at 4:28 pm
finding.blue, Markham, Other
0 articles 0 photos 13 comments
The irony in the title helps to give the poem a twist. Very well done!