The Memory of a Friend | Teen Ink

The Memory of a Friend

November 13, 2010
By LausDeo PLATINUM, Aurora, Colorado
LausDeo PLATINUM, Aurora, Colorado
31 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."--William Wordsworth

When in time, if time allows solitary stillness,
I gaze inward to timeless thoughts
which entangle in mind and deep at heart
and bring back memories that unravel like knots.
I see the pictures and the colours lost in time;
on couch or in bed with dreams
that makes dry rivers fill and flow behind eyes.
The visions stir emotions and release them from body’s seams,
touching my sorrowful silence to reach out
and fill the wells of silence,
forming words and whispering things said to encourage
and bestow reassurance and give reliance.
I in pensive mood think of you,
the fountain of your life’s water and breath gone,
and in remembrance think of things past;
the recalls of times shared through night and dawn.
When time permits me to think of memories gone;
I remember times shared with you dear friend.
I reminisce about the words you said to encourage
or the helping hand you would often lend.

And my memory of you dear friend,
does end my silent grief and help a broken heart mend.

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