Nameless Love | Teen Ink

Nameless Love

November 15, 2010
By SweetXDreams GOLD, Londonderry, Vermont
SweetXDreams GOLD, Londonderry, Vermont
10 articles 11 photos 0 comments

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I have found the Paradox,<br /> If you love until it hurts<br /> There can be no more hurt<br /> Only love.

I know

What it is to be broken.

To feel your heart break

With your eyes wide open.

I know

What it is to feel hollow.

To feel alone.

To pray for forgivness

From imaginary voices.

I know

The empty feeling that

Fills you to the core.

Its the kind that you

You can't escape.

The breathless nights

Leave you to ponder

What it all means now.

I know

What its like to have the memory

Stuck replaying ever time you dare

To close your eyes.

A never ending dream

Facing the pain of reality.

I know

Because this is what I live.

The worst part,

Is remembering the touch

But even in memory

Its never quite right.

Its never the same.

And as much as hope

As much as you pray

Its still the end.

When snow falls

And the cold sets in

At lease I know

Even if everything

Comes crashing down.

And even if I do drown

In the words that I can't say

I promise on my life

You'll be perfectly ok.

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