D Is For Day | Teen Ink

D Is For Day

November 15, 2010
By SweetXDreams GOLD, Londonderry, Vermont
SweetXDreams GOLD, Londonderry, Vermont
10 articles 11 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have found the Paradox,<br /> If you love until it hurts<br /> There can be no more hurt<br /> Only love.

There's a certain rhythm

In the way you move

The kind that catches

Every thought

Leaving you breathless,


Leaving you to question

Every barrier you built.

Circumstances show your misery

Desires for something more

Sparks a more than likely tragedy.

Who could have guessed.

The poet and the prince.

Suffering seizes

Plagued thoughts of separation.

The ending dawns to early

Unsettled feelings

Unspoken fear.

Within the broken

Hope shines, in the lost stars

Waiting to be found.

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