Bullets. | Teen Ink


November 15, 2010
By SweetXDreams GOLD, Londonderry, Vermont
SweetXDreams GOLD, Londonderry, Vermont
10 articles 11 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have found the Paradox,<br /> If you love until it hurts<br /> There can be no more hurt<br /> Only love.

I can see

The bullet

The one you wear around you wrist

I can see

The memory that isn't mine.

The day you couldn't take

The theory of breathing anymore.

I can picture

The way your hands shook

The way you couldn't speak

The way you bit your lip

To break the pain

As you remembered that moment.

You say I saved your life.

But truly

I gave you mine in its place.

I see the bullet you wear around your wrist

I see the instant I gave my life to you

The instant I stopped everything

The instant I tried to save my self

So you would be ok.

We know depression

We know fear

We know strength.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by something me and a very close friend went through.

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