Picture in the rain | Teen Ink

Picture in the rain

December 4, 2010
By SarahhS2 GOLD, Amelia, Virginia
SarahhS2 GOLD, Amelia, Virginia
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every artist was first an amateur. <br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson

And how can she breathe, How can she move.. Is she alive.. to you?
Everything she does is wrong. And everything she says- in song.
Shes not herself, shes not you. she is lost.. and shes so confused.
She wants to hide, and she wants to be erased,
And not sure about anything;

And so she cries.

And how can she breathe, How an she movie.. is she dead to you?

How can she wake another day, Living her short little life in pain?
How does she do it.. wake up and hurt?
Scars on her wrist, burns on her shirt.

No food in days, no water.. She prays.
Maybe he'll answer, but he never did before.
Is she going crazy, what about that baby?

Her hairs a mess, her eyes are red.
She walked in the moonlight, Praying for her death.
Oh sancutary, Whats the difference?
Aren't I holy.. in his presence?

Why does this building make it special?
Is mans work really intellectual?

But nothing has happened, Maybe she'll give up.
Live another day, Cry for some love.
Nobodys here, shes all alone.
Dying in her own tears;
Nothing will just come clear.

This thunderstorm, cloud.. Wont you leave her alone?
"Why me.. why me?"
She asks.
She'll sit on that sidewalk once again,
In the freezing cold.. In the winter wind.

Yes, this guy in this black suit.
She didn't know any better,what was there to loose?
So she got up, and walked up to him.
"wont you help me, "
She bowed her head and let the tears fall.
Yet he walked...silently away.

So she sits down, yet again. Picking up a stray pen.
All her hope, All her pain..
Goes into this picture, in the rain.
So nothing left to fear.
Heres to it all-
She screams.. once and for all.

Never once has she complained, never once did she go insane.
Is that what they wanted... all along?
But what about this child..
Even though she's all alone.
Maybe effort.. and time.
Could help her through this stone.

So she picks herself up, after hours of thoughts.
Walks down the street and into the rocks.
She walks up to the people and protests,
" I'm just like you, Just not the best."

If only they knew.. If only they knew.

The author's comments:
This is a mix of a few things.. when i first started writing it, I felt that it was reflecting what I felt.. towards the middle.. I started thinking about a homeless woman... teenager..pregnant? with nothing except herself..then a little more into it I started thinking aboutt he people across the world, the people that are just like us.. Just so unfortunate.. The people haave absolutely nothing..

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