I love you | Teen Ink

I love you

December 4, 2010
By SarahhS2 GOLD, Amelia, Virginia
SarahhS2 GOLD, Amelia, Virginia
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every artist was first an amateur. <br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson


Ah, you take my breath away.
the way you talk, you make me sway.:)
The way you say i love you,
Baby, is this love true?

Your voice surrounds me,
Your arms all around me.
Your warmth as a Embrace,
Yes, I'm at that indescribable place.

Unspeakable words, Yet so Spoken..
Looking at you, Ah, As a token.
Golden, or silver.. Or anything that shines,
Your glow is Impeccable, Like Wind chimes.

You make me smile, You make me laugh..
Indescribable, Memorable..Dependable.

Am I hidden away? Or for all to see?
All yours,, Such a glee.

Its like a rush, Falling from the sky.
Running in the wind, So far from sin.
Your breath is taken, But that's okay..
Cuz your all shaken, anyway.

Like, You can't control it, Not like your remote.
Nope, Not at all.. Its already wrote.
Don't correct me or my mistakes,
Cuz this love.. Is so far from hate.

Descending, Where am I going?
Come near me, Never walk away.
Because I'll always be here to say..

I love you, Always and forever.
Never can I walk away, Never will I waver.
Promises and swears, Wont ever be broken..
As long as they come from these lips,
Your heart will remain stolen.

Can I describe it? as best as I can?
How do I make you.. Understand?
Do you feel the same? Well, I don't know..
But one things true,, I'll always belong to you.

Is this the same,, As every other game?
Or are we Unique, As I'd wish to be?

No words will explain, So lets just say..
Every song I hear, the lyrics are clear.
Everything makes sense,
Sensible, No fear.

'Cuz every time I see you, My heart goes boom boom..
Is this disease curable, 'Cuz Baby I don't think so.

The author's comments:
So,I think this poem is pretty Self-Explanatory.

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