Lost in This Breakup... | Teen Ink

Lost in This Breakup...

December 1, 2010
By XxDeadlyKissxX GOLD, San Diego, California
XxDeadlyKissxX GOLD, San Diego, California
12 articles 7 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't put a period where God put a comma.

You stabbed my heart,
You ripped it apart,
You watched the blood drip down
while you said farewell.
Yes, you did love, don't deny it.
You know, I loved you with all my heart
and I would never let anyone rip us apart.
But then there's you, yes, you.
You said you loved me.
But then came the day when you said things weren't working out.
After you said that I felt I needed someone who'll actually love me from the beginning.
Well, did you love me?
I knew there was a start with us, and an ending, but the middle, where was it?
The love, the happiness, the laughter. What happened to that?
I know I don't know that, and I'm not sure if you do, but if one day you find out,
I hope will share that with me.

The author's comments:
All I really have to say is, this is a true story. And if this someone is reading this right now, I love you, and always will.

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