Winter Weather | Teen Ink

Winter Weather

January 5, 2011
By brodyksmith BRONZE, Hobart, Oklahoma
brodyksmith BRONZE, Hobart, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I Think I Can"-The Little Train That Could (LOL)

Chilling winds harmonize with the
fragile tenderness a body can endure.
The briskness captivates my brittle bones;
it grates the complexity hidden within.
The gentle rhythmic patterns of the
pattering snow discombobulates my deepest knowledge
as I wonder if my intelligence
can pursue the great quest this intensity might bring forth.
The icy walkways shall be taken with precaution.
The silence and perplexity that I know,
God knows exists here;
here in the depths of this wonderland.
The conditions are unbearable for post adolescent beings,
yet, to the immature and "wide-minded"
children, we laugh, we play, and assemble
our priceless frozen statues of loved ones,
memorable pieces and moments, and "Frosty"
himself. Mother is busy cooking on the hot stove,
my favorite, beef stew and mixed "veggies".
The aperitive intensity overwhelms me.
The delicately chopped potatoes
and carrots mixed with beef cutlets is so
miraculously transfused anyone's
tastebuds would almost melt.
The hint of nutmeg, Momma stuffs in
dang-near everything she cooks,
dances along your tongue like a Native in a rain dance.
The Christmas season lives deeply
rooted into my soul, the American soul,
and God's soul, and it will forever live with me...and you!

The author's comments:
My name is Brody and I am 13.My English teacher is Debbie and she has inspired me to outrageous levels.Thank You SO Much.She is so inspiring and I love her.

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This article has 2 comments.

BrodykSmith said...
on Jan. 9 2011 at 9:56 pm
As the writer, I wanted to incorporate the essence of winter. This is a descriptive paragraph and one of the things that comes to mind when I think of winter is my mother's cooking.She is terrific.I see what you are saying I kind of expounded upon the cooking a bit too much.Thanks for the advice and the rating.By the way I am pretty random.And again,Thank You!

on Jan. 8 2011 at 9:27 pm
SpringRayyn PLATINUM, Lakeville, Minnesota
34 articles 2 photos 658 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Don&#039;t punish yourself,&quot; she heard her say again, but there would be punishment and pain, and there would be happiness too. That was writing.&quot;<br /> --Markus Zusak, &quot;The Book Thief&quot;

I think you use very good diction, but at the beginning you talk about snow and snowmen and kids playing in snow, but then you switch to talking about you mom's cooking...I don't really see how it fits. It just seems a little random to me.