Rage, Come Back. | Teen Ink

Rage, Come Back.

December 20, 2010
By Anonymous

is what I feel
Days on end
he smile on
my face begins to
Straight faced
filled with rage
I need to be
tamed, locked u inside
a cage
You always seem to ruin my
I never seen this before
But your name is rage
I love you, but I'm overflowing
with pain
and you set me on fire
cause this pouring rain
But i miss you
This has become a serious
issue in my
And only you can fix it
But I'm waiting
you still haven't
come to heal me
I wish you could here my cries
I wish you feeled me like I feel your

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem about my father, him and my mother have recently gone through a divorce and as you can tell, I'm waiting for him to come back. Even though he fills me with rage I miss everything about him.

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