Keep me dancing in this world wind | Teen Ink

Keep me dancing in this world wind

January 14, 2011
By mims13 SILVER, Topsham, Vermont
mims13 SILVER, Topsham, Vermont
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sing me a song to keep me dancing in this world wind.
Always we feel blue but it’s just another feeling to,
Go ahead and write about it, ride it through
It'll all keep going on, having moods on over ride,

But let’s not have this be some sadden serenade
Let’s look into tonight and find a place to be..
Lets wonder across the roads far enough away,
Have belonging pick us up like the willows let the winds blow
It’s gasping limbs in the dusky nights fall breeze.

So when we get where we are going forget all that
Baggage we've carried, lose that fear
let’s not cry, let’s not flounder in the experiences we've had
Harnessed to ourselves
So have your mind spread its wings, let’s have our experiences expanded past
Clichés and hardened feelings,
prance in the hopefulness of lollygaggers ignorant bliss,

Blast the vinyls, pull down the aviators, disappear from societies boxes
Glance past the conformity, head into the observer’s heaven of outlandish acts
Dance in the leaves of fallen autumn, run in the wake of dusk,
Sing in the midnights rouge refuge of darkness.

So all you long lost lovers, heart broken rockers,
Trouble lusting artists, angst redden teens
Recall that every beginning is from one that’s just ended,
Have your yesterday laid to rest, your future forgotten to be planed,
Remember the November sounds, remember the warm Decembers,
Remember...Just be lost in yourself, in the blue water tides and those fire ambers.

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