Lights | Teen Ink


January 25, 2011
By CrazyNcPandaLov3r BRONZE, Eddystone, Other
CrazyNcPandaLov3r BRONZE, Eddystone, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Too many lights from man’s own hand.
Piercing the darkness like a thousand knives,
Their brilliance is harsh, harsh and unreal,
Unable to truly illuminate.
The Big Dipper is gone, gone.
When all feels lost,
The moon gives way,
To hope for tomorrow, tomorrow.
Feebly trying to defy the dawn,
The street lamps flicker, flicker and wane.
Finally burning themselves out,
Advancing quickly to their own demise,
Ceasing to exist.
Steadily the dawn creeps, like vapor on the horizon,
The sunrise brings warmth,
And shines on a new day, a new day,
Beauty reveals itself.
It beams brightly, brightly as the sun.
The night is over, over and gone.
Light hugs the world,
Embracing it with love.
Some remain dark,
Yet brilliance, brilliance everlasting prevails.

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