Following your own path | Teen Ink

Following your own path

February 15, 2011
By Julienne SILVER, Morristown, New Jersey
Julienne SILVER, Morristown, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What it is like to run a path of good choices:
I see golden green grass,
and orangey orange dirt that is carried through the wind with the millions and millions of broccoli leaves.
I see sun yellow dandelions,
and bright orange soccer goals that are incandescent from the sun.
There are the gleaming silver bleachers,
and the green sea of trees that, follows a smell of, a peaceful freshness of delight
What it is like to run on a path of bad choices:
I see a thousand puddles of brown muddy rain,
a sky of dark blue, of dark purple,
and the bitter wind that shakes the frozen trees with the leaves caught in the
smoky, stormy sky.
and the rocky path that stops at the gate, which leads to nowhere.
What it is like to run on a path of good choices:
I hear the quiet silence of nature,
A call of peace that reflects the sun and is bounced onto the tip of my tongue.
I can feel the easy going grass, and the bouncy basket ball court with the, sweet smelling flowers hugging my feet.
There is a million waves per second with the delightful, charming, beautiful butterflies.
What it is like to run on a path of bad choices:
I hear sounds of frustration,
and the only tree you felt safe around has been cut to shreds.
I feel the weeds scratching my feet, and my heart with the feeling of loneliness.
Only you can pick which path to run on.
There’s no mixing,
no switching,
no pretending,
only picking.

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