Another Child | Teen Ink

Another Child

March 8, 2011
By biuso9292 BRONZE, Randolph, New Jersey
biuso9292 BRONZE, Randolph, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You fell and laid limp.
On the ground, no movement.
I guess you're a wimp.
No sound, no improvement.

Your blood spewing out,
with ease. Can you feel it?
Will you even shout?
You know you've been hit.

Now you're feeling weak.
Deep breath in. Open your eyes.
Trying not to freak.
Concentrate on the skies.

Try and feel stronger now.
Like the one I know.
Just a bit longer.
Another chance to grow.

It can go either
way now, dead or alive.
Ah, take a breather.
Stop. Where will you arrive?

Your lungs and eyes burn,
As your new life begins.
Your soul takes a turn.
"Congratulations! Twins!"

Now you're one of two
and left a life behind.
Now a different you.
It's the way of mankind.

In separate places,
For you tears are falling.
Happy, sad faces.
Another child bawling.

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