Inspiration | Teen Ink


April 26, 2011
By Alicia.I SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Alicia.I SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Poets are inspired by many things
A single word can turn into a work of art for them
They recognize the meanings and ways of determination, inspiration, courage, persistence, advice, and everything else in the words of other
They use it to make their own masterpieces just from one small inscription

Their poems can reach out to some people and provide all the same things other pieces provide to the poet initially such as inspiration
Then when the poet needs inspiration, and determination their own poems may not provide it
They need someone else's words to help them with life's problems sometimes
That is what we are all here for, to give out hands to one another ready to shake with each other
We are helpers to one another here for each other
Here we are in search for inspiration and determined to bring it to others

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