Live Life Limitlessly | Teen Ink

Live Life Limitlessly

April 22, 2011
By ameliahe228 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
ameliahe228 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The instructor said,

Go home and write
A page tonight.
And let that page come out of you—
Then, it will be true

I wonder if life is ever simple?
I am fourteen years old.
The sun shines bright rays on the cedar roof I sit upon and think.
Think about how everything happens for a reason.
People say that your past influences your future.
The past is who I used to be, the present is who I am, and the future is who I will become.
It doesn’t matter anymore who I used to be, those are only memories.
All that matters now is who I will become.
I have made mistakes in my life and therefore by doing so I have learned from them.
As Gandhi once said “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.”

I have lost friends and gained friends.
Friendship is a two-way street and I guess sometimes I have just missed my ride.
Clear droplets streak down my cheeks but they can’t see because they are blind.
Blind to diversity.
Didn’t they learn that diversity broadens horizons?
One day I will find a place where I am accepted for who I am.
For right now I must enjoy the little things in life.
Such as the bright colors of the blooming Gerber daisies,
Or the sound of the waves crashing on the shores one moment but dissolving the next.
The intricate pattern of the monarch butterfly fascinates me as it flutters by.

The flowers still bloom with magnificent colors each spring and life still goes on.
Take the negative and create positive.
There are bigger problems in the world than the ones I am facing.
Poverty, children with cancer, and global warming.
But even if all of these things go on around me,
I have to live in the moment.
Appreciate life for some do not have that opportunity.
Live life for those who cannot live their own.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for an english assignment in honors eighth grade english. It is a narrative using the format used in ""Theme for English B' by Langston Hughes

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