Pain-everyone's challenge | Teen Ink

Pain-everyone's challenge

April 26, 2011
By Alicia.I SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Alicia.I SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pain comes to us in many ways but we need to handle it some way
We need to embrace it, ignore and try to hide it, deal with it, or try to forget about it.
No matter what we do it's still pain and we feel it, as it penetrates us; our being

In many ways is pain inflicted on us in our feelings and in our bodies
WE can be taken over and broken down, we all fall at some time and there isn't much we can do
But when we conquer the intruder we are champions
Even if it is still there but it no longer is a burden
We can not let pain take us over. It is infringing on us; we are the victims, it tests our strength
Every step we take against it we get stronger

When the end of the pain is near we realize how close we are and how far we have made it.
And when the end finally comes we find what we have accomplished
And we no longer are affected by this demon because we are on the top now
Nothing can go higher

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