More Than Meets the Eye | Teen Ink

More Than Meets the Eye

April 19, 2011
By DarlinSammi PLATINUM, Decatur, Illinois
DarlinSammi PLATINUM, Decatur, Illinois
21 articles 1 photo 15 comments

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I\'m a little bit loud and I\'m a little bit of crazy but atleast I\'m entertaining.

they refuse to see
she marks herself every night
her frustration runs down her wrists
the tears fall as she screams
not from the pain but from the lies
everyday she fools them all
she hates what shes doing to herself
but seeing the scars only makes it worse
slowly people begin to see
whats going on behind closed doors
some try to help while others let the insults fly
she never accepts the help
maybe she doesn't know how
maybe shes just waiting
waiting for someone to step forward
to see the pain that lies behind her eyes
she wants someone to take the blade
to stop her, to scream at her to stop
she just wants to see someone cares
hoping for someone to see beneath the surface
to see past the scars
to look past the tears
waiting for someone to realize there's more than meets the eye

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