America the... | Teen Ink

America the...

May 7, 2011
By Roserietta GOLD, Ft. Madison, Iowa
Roserietta GOLD, Ft. Madison, Iowa
16 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Did you ever notice how insignificant a single person is?" -Haruhi Suzimiya "Art is everything, and everything is art." -Me

Here your free.
No lies.
The place of Justice.
The place of happiness.
Somewhere safe.
Somewhere with acceptance.
Living in lies.
Murderers roam the streets.
Sadness pours out of even the sewers.
No longer safe for all who are different.
Gay teens die of suicide.
Frowing with anger.
If America the free is really free,
Then why do I see the colors of the rainbow with duct tape on their mouths?
If America is Honest,
Why do I see cover-ups?
If America is justified,
Why do I see killers going free?
If America is safe,
Why do I see gay teens hiding in fear?
If America is Accepting...
Why do I see discrimination?
Acting cute and innocent,
Trying to be the victim,
When I know you did it first.

The author's comments:
For all LGBT people out there, they will be discriminated against. I have friends who have faced terrible discrimination, and America promises discrimination won't happen.
But it is.

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