A Leap Of Faith | Teen Ink

A Leap Of Faith

May 26, 2011
By Meme Elise BRONZE, Johnston, Iowa
Meme Elise BRONZE, Johnston, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Sometimes she tries
with all she’s got.
Sometimes she just has to
give up.
Sometimes her feet
make the steps all messed up.
And sometimes the notes
just come out all wrong.

But sometimes,
there is more hope.
Sometimes, it’s okay to give up.
Sometimes, the steps
make everything right,
And sometimes, the wrong notes create
perfect harmony.

She can always dig deeper
to find that flame of “try”.
She can always let it out
and free the tears behind her eyes.

She can always start again
and dance to her heart’s desire.
She can always look back to the music
or create a new tune to play.

She who tries,
will succeed.
She who works hard
will never fail.
She who listens
will play her heart’s tune.
She who takes a leap of faith
will fly.

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