How Could I | Teen Ink

How Could I

June 24, 2011
By DarlinSammi PLATINUM, Decatur, Illinois
DarlinSammi PLATINUM, Decatur, Illinois
21 articles 1 photo 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
I\'m a little bit loud and I\'m a little bit of crazy but atleast I\'m entertaining.

This feeling is only sinking me deeper into darkness,
Where oh where have the rays of opportunity gone to?
Just yesterday the world lay at my feet,
chances falling from the sky like all the stars I wished on.
So naive...
Thinking I could turn around and expect the world to be waiting on me.
How could I?
How could I let this all slip away?
Cant I rewind this life like rewinding my favorite Disney movie?
Please, let me relive my moment of glory,
I swear to you I wont let it pass me by again.
How could I waste time bragging when I should have been accepting my offer.
Time doesn't fly...
It simply sits there out of reach,
teasing and tempting you.
Bashing my head against an invisible wall of regret,
I'd rather be hitting my face against opportunity.
I'd do anything to take it back that simple mistake,
It was only a yes or a no...
How could I?
Be so naive...
How could I not know there would be many more amazing chances just waiting...
Waiting for me to grab them.

The author's comments:
This poem helped me express what I felt when I let such an amazing opportunity go, but I learned that there would be even more opportunities that would top this one.

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