Addict | Teen Ink


July 27, 2011
By Paciencia98 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Paciencia98 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I live somewhere between Hope and Fear. Hope that this time it could be different. Fear that it won&#039;t turn out like it was before. <br /> Meaning the person i loved the most left because of some thing stupid.

My heart is an addict for his love.
Now my heart is about to die,
Without his Hope,
Without his Touch,
Without his Care,
I just want to feel him next to me when we hug, I want to feel him bring his hands up and down my sides while he holds me close.
I want to feel his Touch on my face when he goes in 4 a kiss.
I want to make fun of my Love Handles.
I want him to hold me tight and never let me go no matter what happens between us.
My Heart Is An Addict For His Love.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to right this is that the person that i loved the most ripped my heart out and smahed it into peices and put it back in my chest. After i go out on limbs for him (even if they break) i still go back for his love no matter what.

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