Measure of Importance | Teen Ink

Measure of Importance

August 26, 2011
By Andrewsgirl SILVER, Filer, Idaho
Andrewsgirl SILVER, Filer, Idaho
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The best thing about falling in love is when you can't go to sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

“I am important.”
Everyone laughs at me
“That’s not true.” They said.
“You can’t even see.”

“You are important.”
Mom tells me.
“You can do great things.”
But I can’t even see.

“You are important.”
My best friend says
“You’re so much fun.”
But I can’t even see.

“You’re not important.”
Says the boy at school.
He laughs as I stumble.
“You can’t even see.”

“I’m not important.”
I say, 5 years later.
“I can’t do anything.
I can’t even see.”

“You are important.”
Mom tells me.
“You can do anything.”
But I can’t even see.

“You are important.”
My sister frowns.
“You’re the only one of you.”
But I can’t even see.

“You are important.”
My best friend laughs.
“You are amazing.”
But I can’t even see.

“You are important.”
Says the boy at school.
“I think you’re awesome.”
Maybe I can see.

I am important
I’m told every day.
My heart becomes my eyes
And now I can see.

The author's comments:
I want people to realize that what they do, even if it doesn't seem like a big deal to them, could and probably is a big deal to someone else. I want them to know that the smallest act of kindness can change a person's life.

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