The Shadows... | Teen Ink

The Shadows...

October 23, 2011
By Nessa5v SILVER, West Valley City, Utah
Nessa5v SILVER, West Valley City, Utah
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The shadows creep up behind me, ready to take me, swallow me whole, take me away from the place some call home. The thought not nearly as frightening as it should be.
I can slow down, quit moving, and erase all thoughts and they will take me. If I give them an opportunity they will get me. They will take me back to where they’re from. They whisper in my ear and tell me to come. They pull me, lure me in, the darkness my only friend. But I take a step forward, away from them, ready to leave, but not ready to go.
I can though, if I want it enough I’ll let them take me, tear me apart and transfer me to the dark side.

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This article has 1 comment.

Bluestar said...
on Nov. 17 2011 at 5:54 pm
wow sad that no one coment but me but anyways love her book and she is like my best friend ever and ya oh hows froggy doin