I Write | Teen Ink

I Write

November 21, 2011
By AlidaT. BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
AlidaT. BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I Write
I write to explain my reason,
why I hate,
why I love.
I write to shout my anger,
scream at the top of my lungs,
write what I wanted to scream at your face.
I write to howl with a cry that was never heard,
to ask why it couldn’t have been me.
I write to tell why these tears fall.
I write because my notebook doesn’t talk back,
it listens.
I write because I get confused,
because sometimes I just don’t understand,
I write to spill out my frustrations
to unload stress,
and release hidden emotions.
I write because sometimes I want to leave,
run away to an unknown place.
I write because I have dreams,
goals that I want to reach.
I write to show my love,
Because there’s more to the words,
“I Love You” and “I Miss You.”
I write because the only way to really be myself
is with paper and pencil.
I write because maybe one day when I’m gone,
someone will hear me, know the real me.

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