i see my dreams | Teen Ink

i see my dreams

January 5, 2012
By jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you are going through hell, keep going.
Winston Churchill

i saw the clouds lay
above the sunset
i had shut my eyes
and i had dreamed
i dreamed of the day
that i was once back in my childhood room
i dreamed of the day
that i sat an unknowing child and smiled with no complaints or worries
i dreamed of the day
that my best friend was holding my hand with her grip so tight
i dreamed of the day
that i saw the saltiest sea
i dreamed of the day
that i met him
i dreamed of the day my dad went to sleep and never woke up
and the last thing i dream
every night before i sleep
is my life
and every thing i ever did
i open my eyes to the reality
and look at the clouds laying above the sunset
but all i can see
are my dreams

The author's comments:
i was having a rough day i had just lost my best friend in a car crash and almost lost my mother when she was in surgery i needed to get something out.

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