The Way You Make Me Feel | Teen Ink

The Way You Make Me Feel

January 9, 2012
By Ash_98 GOLD, Bainbridge, Georgia
Ash_98 GOLD, Bainbridge, Georgia
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. <br /> <br /> You were born an original. Don&rsquo;t become a copy.<br /> <br /> If we cannot be ourselves, there is no need for a mirror.

The way you make me feel is safe
When I'm in your arms
You make me feel invincible
Like you are the only one that
Knows what I'm capiable to do.

You are my sun and
I'm your earth ; we
Rotate around each other
When I'm sad or mad
You pick me up and make me laugh
You make me feel like
You are the one for me even though we've just met.

We are friends, but I wish it was more than that.
Maybe someday, someway, and somehow
We will be One.

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