Where does closure reside | Teen Ink

Where does closure reside

December 27, 2011
By Kalee_Cav SILVER, Albany, New York
Kalee_Cav SILVER, Albany, New York
9 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only fear can keep you from accomplishing goals

What does it feel like to be alive
Is there a continuum of freedom?
A plethora of pleasant emotions?
Is it the feeling of wind beneath your arms
soaring, higher, higher, evermore
I've always wondered what bliss feels like
Is it a gentle touch on your cheek?
A delicious meal?
The "just right" words that reside in your soul?
Is it standing on your own two feet
Knowing at any minute you could be knocked down
But for now...you're up
How does one express the feeling of love
Do tears speak
Does laughter embrace
For if it does
We've all been touched
Is it the simple things
Which add up to the complexities of life?
The applause at a funeral
The celebration of life, the mourning
When we leave this life
Where do we find liveliness, bliss and love
Less it be inside us all along
A seed, turning to a bud

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