Cheerleading, | Teen Ink


January 12, 2012
By mreed752 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
mreed752 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Yelling, Dancing and jumping around,
Being obnoxious, annoying, and loud,
Ditsy comments that reflect their thinking,
Cheerleaders are as dumb as a pregnant woman drinking.”

From their big bows to their short skirts one could say cheerleader’s judgment is given,
But they don’t really know how cheer girls are mentally driven.
Policy and rules are set in place,
So their grades and schoolwork are perfect;
Like a state championship trophy resting in its’ case.

Cheerleading is a sport that can only accept the proudest,
Single solo shouts,
But together are the loudest.
Compete on the sidelines for glory on the field,
But even if the team losses the cheering never yields.

So next time you think of a cheerleader,
Remember there’s more to what you see,
That they’re actually normal students,
With grades just like any athlete.
Don’t make judgment just because of a title,
Because at the end of a close game,
Sometimes it’s their cheering that the players and fans find vital.

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