High School Girls | Teen Ink

High School Girls

February 6, 2012
By riveraerika GOLD, West Allis, Wisconsin
riveraerika GOLD, West Allis, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
it is not the content of what you write about that makes literature enticing; it is the emotion you place into it

It’s a contest of popularity
Model wannabes
In their cheeky red stilettos
Get over yourself
None of us are impressed
They talk behind my back
Because I got an answer correct
I don’t care if I’m a nerd
I know how to spell
Stomp around in your oversized heals all day
Waving pompoms in your jock friend’s face
All I’m saying is that no one cares
About the little black dress you’re dying to wear
Spare me the clanking of your pleather boots
Nails on a chalkboard would have sufficed
All in the corner I chuckle to myself
Have fun in the real world
Stuck up high school girls

The author's comments:
I know that every high school has a group of these girls

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