Our Life | Teen Ink

Our Life

February 8, 2012
By poetfan96 PLATINUM, Syracuse, Nebraska
poetfan96 PLATINUM, Syracuse, Nebraska
25 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you dont have to be what you dont want to be"

Once upon a time,
In a year that never happened,
In a place that isn’t there,
There were men that don’t exist,
With a job that wasn’t real,
Or was it?

People say,
That what’s false is true,
But I however,
Know what’s false is you,
Your fake smile your hidden tears,
And that you hide behind all your fears,

Prophets proclaim,
The future is now,
So I know I must ask them,
To tell me why and how,
Yes I know you’re quite confused,
But that’s because your mind’s abused,

I have heard,
That life is short,
That’s what it says in your report,
Go out and live before you die,
But why won’t you tell me,
Tell me how tell me why,

It is said,
That hot can burn,
And from this,
We know that we should all learn,
But what about those who are like me,
Who just cannot learn from what we see?

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