My Poems | Teen Ink

My Poems

February 18, 2012
By custosimago DIAMOND, Kensington, Maryland
custosimago DIAMOND, Kensington, Maryland
72 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hell is going through Life without knowing Love

Sometimes I read my own poetry to remind myself how I felt,
All the highs, all the lows, all the wins, and all the losses.
It isn't always what I say, what dramatic descriptions I
Scribble between the blue lines that have structured
Every fleeting thought and emotion alike in their sincerity
And misconception as I perceive them as the same entity,
But what I don't say, like her name, like the time,
Because my notebook can't differentiate between every girl
That I claim is something new and special with stars in her eyes,
Ribbons in her hair, and singing sweet soft smiles for ruby lips,
And the girls that I claim belong with me instead of the nameless
Opponent that I never bothered to compete with, not only because
I’d lose, but because I’d lose, because I was never one for trying.
The prongs don't know the different days of the weeks,
Only the days that my pen comes to it with cat-scratch wisdom
And white-out solutions to all my hand-written dispositions,
Speaks only the language of metaphors and metaphors with "?"s.
I always remember where I was when I wrote those lies down,
Where I sat when I warped the truth to seem a little bit deeper,
Where I hoped that she'd someday see this and understand,
Where I wrote all the things I’d never say, all the things I wanted,
Whether it be under the hollow light of a midnight, desk-side lamp,
Under the clear blue clouds and white skies of wildflower hillsides,
Or above the distant stars with my head hanging upside-down.
It always comes back to me, no matter how I decide to write it,
Whether it be in code or reason, fact or fiction, some combination,
I can always muster the same tears of joy or grief, some combination,
Smile the same stupid smile, and laugh at the same terrible puns.
This notebook was never made for anyone at all, only memories,
In the form of words and punctuations, thoughts and emotions,
For poetry to finally sleep between the thin blue lines of my life.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 19 2013 at 11:21 am
nelehjr DIAMOND, Lingle, Wyoming
60 articles 11 photos 379 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

I. L♥ve. This. Oh wow! You basically said wrote a poem about how I feel writing poetry! Amazing! I had to read it twice! What can I say? I know right? My diary...I rencently went through and put sticky notes on all the pages where a poem or two is scralled...You can basically read my life's story in verse! Anyhow, this piece is wonderful, but there was one weird spot "the nameless opponent that I never bothered to compete with, not only because I'd lose, but because I'd lose, because I was never one for trying" That bit I underlined...I think it'd move better if you deleted the comma. I had to read it twice over the first time. It just sounds like you accidently repeated "because I'd lose" twice. When one contenues it makes perfect sense. Keep writing!