Loving you | Teen Ink

Loving you

March 5, 2012
By Angel22 BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
Angel22 BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Crying isnt a sign of weakness, its just means you've been to strong for too long." unknown

When you love someone, their the only thing you think about,
They are the person you want to see every morning and the person you want to kiss goodnight.
When you love someone, you don’t want to leave them and the thought of losing them tears you apart, the thought of losing them brings you to tears and your body hurts down to your soul.
When you love someone, you feel butterflies, they flutter around in your stomach and make you smile, make your insides laugh and your heart beat faster.
When you love someone, the thought of their face makes you blush, the sparkle in their eyes makes you smile, and the sound of their name makes you the happiest person in the world.
When you love someone, you call them all day, text them nonstop, and check out their facebook picture constantly.
When you love someone to the point that you say your in love, you want to tell the world about them and you will never let them go.

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