THe Note Unread | Teen Ink

THe Note Unread

March 8, 2012
By Lolipops101 SILVER, Overland Park, Kansas
Lolipops101 SILVER, Overland Park, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I haven&#039;t got a car or a house. I&#039;ve got a husband, but I didn&#039;t pay for him! I spend all my money on my glorious husband. He&#039;s here with a knife at my throat! <br /> Mackenzie Crook <br /> reedited by Cheyenne Zukel

Dear Mother,
When I was younger
I dreamed of growing up to live in luxury
You told me,
“Stick with that and you shall succeed”
Well I tried but I am gone now
I can’t live by those words

You said “I have to try before I give it up”
“Mom,” I said “I wish you could hear me or even read this letter” but
Then you would think I am still alive and I don’t need more stress
Not being able to fulfill my life’s dream is already enough
I don’t need this it’s to hard to live like this

You said “I should live up to my potential.”
Well I didn’t even get the chance to try to fulfill my potential
Now I am stuck with my new life without you
Who will comfort me?
Who will save me?
Who will love me forever and always?


The author's comments:
This is not a real poem about my life try to figure it out your self and tell me what you think.
WHo died?
Who wrote the letter?
Think about that

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